Eighteen Questions for "Saved Catholics"
Occasionally, some well-meaning
Christian thinks he knows a "saved
Roman Catholic." We invite such a person
to study the following questions and
then ask the Roman Catholic for his
answers to them. His answers will
easily determine that he is not saved in
the true, Biblical sense.
The new "accommodation" approach of
the Roman Church in these ecumenical
days of apostasy is to use the same
expressions as Fundamental Christians.
But Christian love is not shown by
permitting these people to believe
they are saved when they are not.
Christian love is shown by making the
true Gospel plain and clear so that the
"religious but lost" person will
recognize his unsaved condition and his
need of a Saviour, the true Christ of
the Bible, not a counterfeit, as in the
Roman, Greek and many other churches.
The Apostle Paul said that he was free
from the blood of all men. May the same
be true of every genuine witness for
Jesus Christ! Here are the questions:
1. When were you converted?
2. How were you converted?
3. To what, or to whom, were you
4. What do you believe now that you did
not believe before your conversion?
5. What does it mean to be saved?
6. On what Scriptural promises do you
base your salvation?
7. What does it mean to be born again?
8. Are you sure today that if you die
tomorrow, or at any time in the future,
you will be in heaven immediately
after death?
9. What do you believe about Purgatory?
10. What do you believe about the Mass?
11. Do you still participate in the Mass?
12. Do you believe that to miss Mass
voluntarily on Sunday would be a
mortal sin, so that if you did not
confess it before you died, you would not
go to heaven?
13. Do you believe that any sinner can be
saved who dies without trusting in
Jesus Christ alone for the salvation of
his soul and forgiveness of his sins?
14. Do you believe that Mary and Roman
Catholic saints can help you get to
15. How do you believe that the blood
sacrifice of Jesus Christ is applied to
your soul?
16. Have you told your priest you have
been saved (converted)?
17. Do you believe you will still go to
heaven if you leave the Roman Catholic
Church, receive believer's baptism and
join a fundamental Baptist church?
18. When and where do you plan to do this?
As these questions, and others you can
think of, are discussed in detail, you
will quickly see that the person is
trusting in his work, merits, baptism,
confirmation, sacraments, or something
besides - or plus - Jesus Christ and not in
Christ and Christ alone. He can then be
shown the difference between his
unbiblical form of salvation and the
saving faith of the Bible.
(From The Gospel
Catholic - The Conversion Center, Phila. PA)