Read these texts…
One of things the devil likes to do is discourage saints of God. Make them think that being saved means giving up more than your getting…
This morning I want to encourage those who are in Christ. We ought to Lift up our heads… We are rich In Christ…
This morning I want to look at our inheritance as Believers.
I'm fixing to get an all new body… all new…
Can you imagine what that's worth?
Most saints of God have no idea what they've inherited…. How much it's worth… Can be donated: Blood, skin, Bone, Bone Marrow, corneas, Kidney, Partial Liver, and Partial Lung Donation, Heart, Pancreas, veins, bone cartilage,
The study, produced by Health Care Financing Administration actuaries, also shows taxpayers picking up more of the nation's health care tab.
1. | The approximate cost for a bone marrow transplant varies from $190,000 to $410,000 depending on the cross-matching between the recipient and the donor (for example, allogenic related, autologous, and allogenic unrelated). |
2. | The approximate cost for a lung transplant is about $150,000. |
3. | The approximate cost for a pancreas transplant is $170,000. |
4. | The cost for a liver transplant surgery starts at about $500,000. |
5. | The approximate cost for a kidney transplant averages $50,000. |
6. | Costs for heart transplants often exceed $100,000. |
In our text we are told that he has begotten us, Literally that means He's birthed us… You know what a child birth is running these days? About $6,000.00… Hey what about that Trip he's going to take us on right after He changes us? You know what a trip to the moon is running, (*in the trillions) wonder it costs to go to Mars? No figure what it'd cost to go to Heaven… What am I saying.. You've got quite an inheritance!.
SUMMARY: A 10 DAY CARDIAC STAY COSTS $17,769 … Friend my inheritance is worth far more than that….
Friend, you don't have to hang on to your inheritance… It is kept by the Very Power of God almighty!
Glory to God. Listen to this. Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
I don't know what an adoption is running these days… but it isn't cheap amen. My inheritance includes a father son relationship… that's worth a lot… I'm rich.
Don't get messed up by the preachers that talk about hanging on to overcome… 1 John 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
I'm glad when God saved me, He gave me Life that will never run out!
It's true, I've got a mansion just over the hilltop, and some day yonder, I will never more wonder, but walk on STREETS PAVED WITH GOLD!
Do you think there is earthly mansion anywhere that can compare with the ones God has prepared for them that love him? I trow not!
Hell was our inheritance, now heaven is our possession!
Conclusion… I don't know if I've even scratched the surface of our inheritance from God, with that in mind we ought to be living for the Lord! Sold out to God!
What kind of inheritance are you leaving behind?
We had kids come in our Services this morning who come from homes where no one cares.
1. | Moms and dads who never bring their kids to Church |
2. | Moms and dads who never pray with their kids |
3. | Moms and dads who have never taught their kids by example to Put God first in their lives. |
Hey what are you leaving behind to your kids? What are they inheriting..
1. | Most kids inherit their dirty smoking habit from mom and dad.. |
2. | Most kids inherit their dirty cussing habit from mom and day… |
3. | Most kids inherit a Lukewarm Christian life from Mom and Dad! |
What are you leaving behind today?
Many are pulling down their house with unfaithfulness to things of God! You're going to leave an inheritance behind that you didn't count on..