All of this welfare stuff bothers me… This is not how God wants things..
Before anyone says Bro. Mays is picking on a racial group let me remind you, the vast majority of people who are poor and who are on welfare are white.
The average annual cost of welfare and food stamp payments (not to mention housing and insurance.) to a single mother and two children is $7,932. Whoever said, Welfare rolls are made up from our dough was on target.
America has changed. The idealized family comprising two married parents and two children is a small minority of American households. In 1993, the proportion had shrunk to 10%.
Some 39 percent of welfare mothers receive welfare payments for a ten-year period or longer..
In Washington, D.C., (which happens to be per capita one of the highest places for the welfare rolls), the 80 percent of people on Welfare are involved in the Criminal justice system by the age of 30.
55 percent of all welfare mothers were teenagers at the time of their first birth…..
The sorry Politicians say… We are giving you free money. If you don't continue to vote for us the money may dry up and you may actually have to go to work.
Somebody said, As America, is the only country in the world where so called poor people often drive Cadillacs.
I don't know if you have noticed or not, but we've got fences around our boarders, it's not to keep folks from getting out…
This morning I want to notice some things about this wicked welfare mentality, I want you to notice how ungodly it is… and I want you to examine our church, and notice if it's got in here…
Our God has a plan…. That plan includes folk working if they want to eat..
The same welfare mentality that we decry has crept into our churches… Think with me for just a second…
But they don't do anything but sponge off of those who are working. They produce nothing. They are Gospel Bums. Christian Hoboes.
YOU -- cast your vote one way or the other every week. You're not a Welfare Baptist Are you?
God is now and always will be a Rewarder of hard work… Does he get it from you?
Our God is a worker..
What if our Savior had the welfare mindset? We wouldn't read Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
It has been said that in the average church 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people… I submit that that is true because the welfare mentality has taken over the church…
Welfare mentality loves Grace, loves that Salvation is not works, Titus 3:5. But never forget it cost the saviour everything… God saved you to work.. Eph. 2:10, and you are a welfare Baptist if you wont!
"Since welfare we have had a 600 percent increase in violent crime and a 500 percent increase in births out of wedlock."
Between 1960 and 1990, (the Growth years of Welfare) the ratio of out-of-wedlock births among all women of childbearing age in America increased fivefold, from 5.3 to 28.0 percent of all births.
In Washington, D.C., (Welfare Capital of the world) 64 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion. Of those young children who survive that, 70 percent plus are born out-of-wedlock.
We've got people having illegitimate kids so that they can get a pay raise… God never intended you to be rewarded for doing wrong.
Somebody, well said, What does that have to with us this morning? Well, let me say, the welfare mentality has gotten into the church.
1. The average church is becoming just like the world. The People want live however they want. They want to fill the hearts and heads with all the trash of this world…
2. Divorce rates in and out of the church aren't much different.
3. The way folks talk, and act, and dress, and entertain themselves isn't much different than the world…
You let a politician say something about the high illegitimacy rates and they'll call him a racist..
You let a preacher talk about the worldliness in its members and all their compromise and they'll call him a legalist…
Are you a welfare Baptist? Are you more interested in Feeling Good than Being Good?
Welfare believers hate what I'm preaching, but it's true….
"There is a toleration which is treachery. There is a peace which issues in paralysis. There are hours when the church must say NO to those who should ask communion with her, in the doing of her work, upon the basis of compromise. Such standing aloof may produce ostracism and persecution, but it will maintain power and influence....The Church today has destroyed her own influence by compromise." - G. Campbell Morgan
*The percentage of children who live in female-headed households has grown from 11% in 1970 to 22% in 1990. Women maintained 86% of the 10.5 million single-parent families with children in 1992. One aspect of the welfare mindset that no one says much about is the carelessness and irresponsibility of the men…
Where are the men? Where are the fellas getting all these ladies pregnant?
Where is the discipline for all these kids getting into all this crime?
Welfare living makes momma the head of the home, the only one taking care of the kids doesn't it?
Why is it that the average Baptist Church couldn't go on if it had only the men to count on? I say because they have the spiritual Welfare mentality.. Thank God for you woman, we probably couldn't have church without you…
Our Saviour was a man's man.. and so were the men who followed him…
My saviour took a stand for what was right…
My saviour looked men eye ball to eye ball and called it like it was..
He had discipline to get up in the morning..
God give us some men, not Welfare men, but real Christian men.