"The Blessedness of Keeping God’s Word"
Intro: Two types of keeping of God’s Word
a. Doctrinally we need to keep it - by being willing to die for it.
b. Practically we need to keep it - by living under its power
Blessed - means both blessing (27) and happiness (18)
This Service Is God’s Command - 4
1. Any less would dishonor God
2. Any less world be disasterous for us
3. Whole Hearted Service Glorifies God
4. Whole Hearted Service Blesses Us
Whole Hearted Service For God - 1-3
1. They are undefiled in the way - Obedience to God’s Word - 1
(Blessed because we are preserved from defilement - vs 1)
They are in the way
"in the way" is salvation (basis is the blood)
They are in the right way
"undefiled in the way" is sanctification (basis is obedience to God’s Word)
2. They walk in the law of the Lord - Safety of God’s Word - 1
a. It is their habit and pleasure in life
b. Walk in obedience to LAW - no penalties
Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Pr 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Ps 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
Jude 1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
c. We find blessing - God keeps us from the penalties
d. We find happiness - Christians cannot enjoy sin
No greater happiness than holiness
3. They keep his testimonies - Believe in God’s Word - 2
a. Testimonies are promises
b. Confidence in a God who cannot lie
4. They seek him with a whole heart - Study God’s Word - 2
a. An undivided heart - O how rare!
5. They do no iniquity - Walk in God’s Word - 3
Possible not to sin - only through God’s Word
The Glad Result of Whole Hearted Service For God - 5
1. They are undefiled in the Way - 1
2. They are unashamed in His Presence - 6
3. They are unforgetting of His Blessings - 7
4. They are unforsaken in the Way - 8
The Consecration of Whole Hearted Service For God - 8
1. A sacred Vow - 8
I will keep
2. A deep Humility
By God’s Grace alone!