Pastor David Johnston,
Temple Baptist Church of Laurens, SC
b. It is strong for witness-bearing.
c. It is strong to save lives.
d. It is strong to give hope.
2. This world offers no hope to the lost soul.
3. The opposite is true.
4. We find that the things of this world can choke the Word. cf Mt. 13:22
5. Paul said if our hope was only limited to this life…this earthly existence…then we were miserable.
2. It is necessary for us to be saved.
3. It involves a change of heart concerning what sin is, who we are, who God is, and what He did for us.
4. When Paul instructed the Philippian jailer to believe in the 'Lord Jesus Christ'.
5. Not to believe in the 'man upstairs' or 'the force of good' or any other mystic foolishness that is put forth today.
6. Salvation is in the person of Jesus Christ and in His finished work on Calvary.
7. When we repent, we have a change of heart which will result in a change of our behavior!
2. Emphasis: God's Word (the gospel) tells us how to be saved.
3. The Word of God also instructs us on how we should live for Him. Cf. 2 Tim 3:16
b. For Reproof = what is wrong
c. For Correction = how to get it right
d. For Instruction = how to keep it right