Pastor David Johnston,
Temple Baptist Church of Laurens, SC
This is seen in stark contrast to those who have forgotten or dismissed God's Word.
(Psa 119:137) "Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments."
2. He is right in His character and He is right in His commands.
3. That is one of the most basic lessons to be learned in life.
4. However, it is a lesson some people never learn.
5. God's Word is always right, there is no room for compromise on this truth.
2) The Bible has always said that the world was a sphere and hung on nothing.
(Job 26:7) "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
3) For centuries people believed it was flat.
4) The Bible was right, and the thinking of the day was wrong.
5) Today the popular theory is that man and the anthropoid apes have a common ancestor.
6) The Bible says that God created man in His own image and after His own likeness.
7) It flatly contradicts the theory of evolution.
8) And, as always, God is right.
b. If God speaks to protect us, as He does in hundreds of commandments that cut across our sinful wants and wishes, then what He says is right.
2) God says that it is wrong and that those who indulge in homosexual practice will come under His severest displeasure.
(Lev 18:22) "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
3) Society may say what it will, but society is wrong and God is right.
2) To reject the sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvary for our sin, means that we will suffer an eternity in the lake of fire.
3) There is but One Way to the Father, and that is through His Son.
4) Regardless of whether or not people like to hear it, or even if they choose not to believe it.
5) It is still right!
2. It is impossible for Him ever to ask us to do something wrong.
3. Because God is righteous, His Word is righteous and faithful!
4. It used to be that someone's word meant everything must be signed and documented in triplicate to insure honesty.and even that doesn't work.
5. But you don't have to worry about God.He is faithful and so is His Word.
2. Joseph's goodness shines all the more brightly in Genesis because it is set against the background of his brothers' sin.
C. It was what they were doing to the Lord that upset him so.
2. It is evident from this that his enemies were people who had once known God's Word.
3. That fact makes it such a tragedy.
4. It is better never to have known God's Word than, having known it, to set it aside as of no account.
5. Of course that is what multitudes of people are doing today, brought up in Christian homes, taught God's Word since childhood, but now they are living in total disregard of God's laws.
2. He tells us that although he is small and despised by others.
3. At least he has enough sense to know the Truth and love it.
2. The Truth is identified for us in the N.T. as none other than Christ Himself.
3. He is eternal.the Truth is eternal.
4. To love the Truth and follow His righteousness is not like following the latest fad that is here today and gone tomorrow.the Truth is forever!
2. But for him, personally, God's Word is a delight.
3. Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light". Cf Mt. 11:30
4. This is in contrast to religion.
5. ".Yet thy commandments are my delights."
2. Of all the printed volumes of books in this world, the Bible is the only One which offers everlasting hope.
3. May we all fall in love with the righteous Word again and again.