Psalm 127:1-5
This morning I want to talk about building your house upon the Rock. Not just any rock, but upon the Rock of Jesus Christ. When the Lord talked about building your house upon the rock, He wasn't talking about architecturally, He was talking about building your life and family upon the foundation of God's Word.
What about your house? Is it built upon the proper foundation? Is it solidly founded upon the principles of God's Word. How is your family doing? I am amazed at the number of people who throw up their hands and say, "Kids, what's the use?"
Today is Father's Day, and I want to address much of what I say to Fathers, but there is much for all of us to gain from this today. Many children do not recognize the home mentioned in the Bible.
Now homes have: a mother and no daddy, a daddy and no mother; two mothers and one daddy, or two daddies and one mother; two mothers and no daddy; or two daddies and no mother. Did that sound confusing to you? What about the children who have to grow up in it…no wonder our society is such a mess.
God instituted the home.
The marriage relationship is the supreme of all human relationships.
Our relationship to our mates ought to come before business, before pleasure - before children.
Marriage is not a contract, marriage is a commitment, a life time commitment.
2. The role of the wife - she is to be the heart.
3. The role of the children - they are to be taught and trained by mom and dad.
2. God's Word provides the specifications and gives the direction we need.
3. The best way to have a great home is to be a great Christian.
4. Note: The Lord is the only One who can help us here.
5. There are no self-made Christians.
2. Paul reminds us that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.
3. He will equip us through His Word and enable us through His Spirit to be what He wants us to be
2. But He will protect it and maintain it.
3. We need to be on an intensive spiritual maintenance schedule.
4. That includes prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
5. God provided a means for all of those areas to be addressed: it is called the local church!
6. If we neglect to involve ourselves in the church…we are inviting devastation.
2. He works like termites…behind the scenes eating away at the foundation until it is too late.
3. What heritage will we leave for our children and grandchildren?
4. I hope it is more than just a piece of real estate.
5. Only Jesus can provide the protection our families need.
A. What's this verse talking about?
2. I know that its hard to make ends meet but I tell you what…
3. We say we do this for our kids, so they can have more, but most kids are happier playing with the box their toys come in than the toy itself!
4. Ask my sons about their memories of childhood…it will not center around the houses where we lived, or the cars we drove.
4. It will be the times we spent together.
2. There is the basic need for significance - we need to be accepted.
b. They need to be accepted…that is why we have youth ministry…to reach out to young people who are looking for something that they can be a part of.
c. All of us have this need.
2. It doesn't come from success or recognition.
3. Contentment comes from a right relationship with the Lord.
4. A Christ-centered family will be a contented family.
2. But they are part of God's gift to us.
3. They are part of our reward in this life.
2. Consider the illustration.
b. Arrows are pointed -
c. Arrows are propelled…and after an arrow leaves the bow you can't change it's direction!
d. Arrows are for a purpose…to be used against the enemy.
e. When we rear a child for Jesus Christ - we are firing an arrow at the devil.